As an Introverted Public Speaker I am creating a space to practice your public speaking founded on your uniqueness & lived experiences.
I started my public speaking journey by doing. I was given an opportunity to share my story at an education-based conference with an audience of 1,500 and as scared as I was, I accepted. I said to myself, “Pues aver como me va” (Let’s see how this goes) without knowing that this was the beginning of my career as a Public Speaker.
I did everything that I could to prepare for my presentation, often feeling lost about how to execute. Naturally, I went online to search for answers only to realize that every article I read, every case study I studied, every speaker I watched, made me feel like I needed to deviate away from who I was as a person to fit the mold of “a good public speaker”. And this is where my passion for representation across every industry and stage, grew.
As I developed the knowledge, skills, & tools for communicating through the spoken word, I perfected my public speaking style & gained confidence in the art by tapping into the most beautiful parts of my culture; what has prepared me to be a great public speaker. Now, I share my love & expertise for public speaking from my perspectives as a First Gen college graduate, Latina, and Introvert, to help others engage in the art of public speaking, con cultura.

I help you reconnect with and love the art of public speaking.

What is Public Speaking con Cultura?
My superpower is being able to connect our lived experiences back to why and how we experience the art of public speaking. Beyond the skillset required to be a great speaker, I challenge you to also reflect on your experiences to create a map for your public speaking journey that feels right.
There is no one way of public speaking and while we acknowledge best practices in the field, we approach them knowing that they may not always consider our cultural practices and forms of communication. We're also multi-faceted. So, we get creative! I call this Public Speaking con Cultura.